This is my latest entry here but my entry here will not tackle my art but the water crisis that our community is facing on. Just give me this time to say what I feel right now and how devastated I am because of this unexpected phenomena.
Gracious! It's been four straight days and up to this moment, our community is no water connection at all. People now are so desperate where to get water to drink of and how to cleanse their selves up. Lots of pales and containers were lined on the road just to get water from the fire truck sponsored by our local government. Because of this crisis, many people are very much affected particularly the young ones (babies, toddlers) because of this incident. Who's the one to blame? If we just look around, our world is full of natural resources that God provided us but we didn't use it wisely. Instead, we are too abusive and greedy just for our own sake. We have clean rivers before, but look at it now, it's messy, dirty and not healthy to drink of. And now, we're crying our hearts out and begging for this precious water but we didn't take it to care before. This is just a consequence we need to pay because of our negligence to Mother Earth. It's just a simple lesson that we should bear in mind that nothing lasts forever, even an endless road and an everlasting life has also a finish line.
Let's just pray for the better that it's not too late to fix these problems we're facing. And when the day comes that all things come back to normal, I just hope that we've learned our lesson and make a promise that we will be thankful and we should take care and cherish all the blessings that our Creator has given to us.