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When the news broke out that Ricky Martin finally admitted that he's gay, no one was ever shocked. Why? It's just because when his early career began, (Menudo Band, remember?) There were certain gossips, that the Livin' La Vida Loca star has qualities of a potential gay. Admitting that your gay in the Entertainment Industry is not a big deal anymore because it's a common trend especially to those who started their career as a member of a boyband, they've become solo artist, they're album are selling like hotcakes and other stuff. But when they reach the dim lights of their careers, that will be the turning point if they will divulge to the public their sexual preferences. I'm not against that brouhaha thing, it's just that most of the celebrity magazines and networks are putting too much cheesecake journalism to these celebrities. To be honest, I'm very proud of these celebrities who have the guts to face the mere fact that they're gays, proudly gays. They're not afraid to show the world how much sense of fulfilment and freedom they feel because they finally admit the skeleton in their closet. So what's my main point here? That being gay is not a curse, it's not a choice but a destiny you must face with your held up high. So please spare those celebrities in putting them in the bad limelight because of the yellow journalism most of the newspapers and networks trying to convey with the audience. The bottom line of this article, That's what you called ENTERTAINMENT!


archiemb said…
At the end of the day, this revelation won't really matter. The man deserved all the respect in the world with more than 60 million dollars album sold, having great humanitarian works thru his non-profit Ricky Martin Foundation and giving us some of the best songs our generation has ever heard.

Ricky is the Man!!!

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