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The Sunday Currently | 02

I started to follow this trend late last year but instead of writing it on a Sunday, I wrote mine on a Wednesday. I can still remember that I was emotionally perturbed and I couldn't wait to scribble those thoughts inside of me during those difficult times. #OAmuch :p

As I'm just browsing different sites today (including this run-off-the-mill page) and I have nothing to do this Sunday evening, I'll just write my part two of The Sunday Currently as I'm about to drop in just a little while.

an article from Huffington website about religion and why it can harm our society as well as our lives at times. It's a thought-provoking article, especially that nowadays, inhumane acts are everywhere and not all malfeasance can be solved in prayers only. #trytoconsider #respectingviews

my second entry of The Sunday Currently

to Can I Stay by Ray LaMontagne. I've been listening to this song for a week or so now. I don't know who the hell Ray (wow, first name basis :p) is, but he has lots of good songs and can i stay is one of my faves. #onloop

of the next weekend already :p #loungerproblems
> PLANS PLANS PLANS! #ingeneral 

of playing Taekwondo again. It's been few years since I left one of the sports I love (second to basketball). I hope I'll get back soon as I want to add another color to my belt. Not to brag as I am still a yellow belter so I still have lots to learn and pain to gain. #lookingforwardtoweardobokoncemore
> to learn musical instrument #anythingwilldo

sando and shorts 

a new phone as it's about to give up. :p But I can still use it so I am not in a hurry to buy one. #nottechieatall

to travel again #realitybreaks
> to be debt-free before the year ends so saving is indeed a MUST!

replete because of tofu that I ate earlier #solved

oh a lot of people, especially those dear to me. Hello, miss you! :)

that the pilot team we just pioneered will be successful. We still have 3 weeks to prove that the management's decision to include us is worth it. #nopressure #LOA 


Yeah, tomorrow is Monday and we're going back in our zombie lifestyle again. :/ But as they say, be someone else's reason to love Mondays. ;) #mindconditioning

Ciao! :*


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