I'm having a hard time sleeping right now, so I'll just take this moment to blog as I rarely update this writing haven of yours truly! :p
As I browse different blog sites, the majority of the entries I read was The Sunday Currently where (professional/ amateur) bloggers write what they're doing on a Sunday weekend. It's like a 'What's on your mind' question/ status on Facebook but in a different format. It's pretty fun reading the whereabouts and what currently they're into.
I can't wait for Sunday to begin so let me be the one to change this Sunday Currently to Wednesday Currently for the meantime. :p
As I browse different blog sites, the majority of the entries I read was The Sunday Currently where (professional/ amateur) bloggers write what they're doing on a Sunday weekend. It's like a 'What's on your mind' question/ status on Facebook but in a different format. It's pretty fun reading the whereabouts and what currently they're into.
I can't wait for Sunday to begin so let me be the one to change this Sunday Currently to Wednesday Currently for the meantime. :p
others' entries of The Sunday Currently, top tweets and this article
my own Wednesday Currently :p
to Firepower by Bamboo
A LOT! Inhale...exhale!
for a brighter future ahead
loose shirt and sporty short (What the heck?)
more self-discipline to avoid what needs to be avoided (in general)
lost, crying, disappointed because of some recent issues about my personal life. :( But everything will turn out fine in time. BELIEVE!!!
her (too heaps), my true friends, my tkd training, reality breaks, A LOT MORE!
peace of mind. Please?
I hope I can write more often here as blogging is one of my healing outlets every time I maunder about life and stuff. It's already 3am and as much as I want to dash off my other currently lists, I have to hit the hay now as my Nanay is already scolding me. :D
Have a peaceful mornight to all! :*
Readingothers' entries of The Sunday Currently, top tweets and this article
my own Wednesday Currently :p
to Firepower by Bamboo
A LOT! Inhale...exhale!
for a brighter future ahead
loose shirt and sporty short (What the heck?)
more self-discipline to avoid what needs to be avoided (in general)
lost, crying, disappointed because of some recent issues about my personal life. :( But everything will turn out fine in time. BELIEVE!!!
her (too heaps), my true friends, my tkd training, reality breaks, A LOT MORE!
peace of mind. Please?
Release your inhibitions... ALRIGHT! (ctto)
I hope I can write more often here as blogging is one of my healing outlets every time I maunder about life and stuff. It's already 3am and as much as I want to dash off my other currently lists, I have to hit the hay now as my Nanay is already scolding me. :D
Have a peaceful mornight to all! :*